Course Instructor

Colorado State University

Analytical Tools for Economics (new course!)
Circularity for the Built Environment (new course co-taught with John Killingsworth!)
Introduction to Econometrics
Economic History of the US
Principles of Microeconomics -- Honors
Intermediate Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics -- Honors
Principles of Macroeconomics

California State University, Fullerton

Principles of Macroeconomics   (Spring 2018)

Undergrad Research and Mentoring

Working with talented undergrads is a win-win!  Check out some of the research products we have put together
Unionization and RTW: Looking Backward to Move Forward by Matthew Romack
The CIO & AFL Labor Schism and Repair by Siena Carl
REDI Report: The Surprising Disappearance of Labor Unions in Rural America with Cindy Vo and Ellery Osborne
Weighted Crosswalks for NAICS and SIC Industry Codes with Paul DeCelles

Teaching Philosophy

I try to equip students with tools and skills that will serve them beyond the courses they take with me.  One of the wonderful things about economics is that it imparts such a useful way of thinking about the world. I hope that my students will take away not only enthusiasm for the discipline, but also a new language and a new lens through which they can view their jobs, majors, finances, politics, and communities.  Many of today’s compelling social issues—racism, climate change, poverty, health care, and inequality to name a few—can be framed as economic problems.  I hope that my teaching helps arm students with the quantitative literacy and strategic thinking ability they need to navigate these issues.

Teaching Assistant

University of California, Irvine